Sunday, September 28, 2014

Apples! Apples! Apples!

This week, we enjoyed some fun with apples, including learning about Johnny Appleseed! Here are some pictures of the kiddos helping to make applesauce!

We have been working on a poem called 'A Little Red Apple' Here are the kiddos doing a poetry walk. They began with the title and stopped at each card along the way to read a line of the poem. 

YUM YUM YUM Applesauce!
 We also made an Apple-cano! We discovered what kind of reaction baking soda and vinegar makes. The kids loved it... so we did it three times :)

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Ten Apples Up On Top

As part of our study of Apples, we've enjoyed reading/singing Dr. Seuss' 'Ten Apples on Top.' It's a really fun version, so I thought I'd post it here for you to enjoy at home too! More apple fun to come soon!

Sunday, September 21, 2014

A few more things!

The kiddos did a GREAT job using watercolor paints for the first time!

Working on rhyming words using our interactive projector!

I was able to sneak a few pictures during dance class this week. Oh my goodness, they did so well and I can't wait to see the entire dance!

Math Fun...

This week, we practiced talking with our math partner, describing things that were the same or different about our objects and numbers. 
In addition to our math talk, we practiced counting with the song 'Five Little Speckled Frogs'
 We also began using our Osmo Tangram activity during centers. The kids are working together to make the same shape pattern they see on the screen.
Another addition to centers was the Number Bee Bot mat. This activity is not only teaching students to identify numbers, but they are also beginning to understand how to program the Bee Bot in order to move him to the correct answer.