Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Scientists of the Week...

Here are some pictures from our first two scientist of the week presenters! They both did a wonderful job!

Monday, October 19, 2015

Columbus Day...

We learned all about how Christopher Columbus was an explorer and we learned how to draw a ship. As a class, we tested how some things float and others sink. We talked about how earth is round and found real life shapes that are also round. To end the day, we did an experiment, testing whether ice cream would sink or float in root beer. This was probably our favorite part of the whole day!

Candy Corn Fun!

We had a blast working with candy corn! However, I was having so much fun, I forgot to take more pictures. We did a tear art project, baked candy corn sugar cookies, and painted candy corns with our feet. Thank you, parents, for making this day possible!

Apples, iPads, and Superheros OH MY!

We have just started learning how to work with the iPads in class. These are a wonderful learning tool and one we hope to use lots this year! 

We are learning how to ask questions and take surveys, then collect that data and make observations. The kiddos had a chance to go around and ask their friends if they liked applesauce or apple juice better. It's always fun to hear them asking questions and listening to each other!

Superheros vs. Robots!!! Check out our superhero poses